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  1. Karen Jessup
    February 26, 2020 @ 11:41 am

    Charlotte, my right ear keeps itching like crazy. Is that a symptom?



    • charking1946
      February 26, 2020 @ 12:34 pm

      Karen I am not sure about the itching but the R ear is definitely being affected by something.. there has been more quakes in Taiwan and I am also watching Puerto Rico. Sometimes larger than 6.0 quakes will also cause some earaches. I don’t know about the itching but I do know sometimes the inside of my ear will itch and I think its due to the vibration my ears are experiencing. Hope this helps.


  2. Linda Cahan
    February 26, 2020 @ 3:18 pm

    Subscribe, please. I have no idea how I received your email blog but I’m glad I did! Thanks! Linda Cahan

    Linda Cahan Intuitive Counseling & Palmistry w: 503.638.6727 PCT 2455 SW Gregory Drive West Linn. OR. 97068



    • charking1946
      February 26, 2020 @ 5:10 pm

      Linda I am happy to add you to my subscribers list. Can you please answer these questions for me and email them to me at It helps me know who I am talking to, and where they live so if I feel or sense something that is in your area, I can let you know without sending out a group email. Thank you for your interest and I look forward to having another Oregonian on my list.

      Are you a sensitive or potential sensitive?
      Is this for private or business use?

      You agree not to post anything I send out or make any predictions based on my updates such as what has written in my name? * Such as “ charlotte said etc…”

      I am not a medical doctor, I can only share what has worked for me and many others, I am not responsible for what you do or do not do as to your physical condition. Remember you may be right but you could be dead wrong, so don’t ignore symptoms that are severe or do not go away within a reasonable amount of time.

      Where do you live, City and State ( Country if not in the USA )

      You agree not to copy in any media form my updates without clearing it with me first.
      The updates are the sole property of Charlotte King and may not be duplicated. It is fine for you to share them with close friends and immediate family. Please also ask them not to repost.


  3. JH
    April 26, 2020 @ 6:19 pm

    Hi Charlotte… my email is two months behind….I just got this. But I wanted to let you know that for the past couple of days, when getting out of bed, I walk like a drunken sailor banging into things. My internal gyroscope feels way off center.The last time this happened we had a largish quake off the OR coast…if I remember correctly.. a 6…

    On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 11:00 AM The Charlotte King Effect wrote:

    > charking1946 posted: ” 2/25/20 Thank you to those who have sent emails > with feedback to my recent radio interview, again my apologies in getting > the information out late. It was not the computer this time, but the > provider issues. Welcome to my new subscribers. Its been a ” >


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