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  1. Susan Miller
    May 18, 2020 @ 3:06 pm

    Hello Charlotte!

    My name is Sue Miller. Wow, 40 years since the eruption of Mt. St. Helen’s. I was a mere 22 years old then!

    This update is not a coincidence. In fact, the timing is incredible. I had a dream about a year to a year and a half ago. It was about the big quake hitting California. I don’t remember details, but I woke up hearing May 20. I don’t know if it was the day or year of “20”. I am not a date setter and I believe that God only knows these things. But, I know that he gives us dreams and visions to warn us about events.

    Interestingly enough, though, my stomach has been soft today with very loose bowels and I have had slight heart palpitations with a pinchy feeling. I’ve also had arthritic pain in my lower legs and hands.

    So, I think an event is about to happen .I just wanted to share this with you.

    Thank you for your update.

    Sue Miller (FYI- I live in Michigan)

    On Mon, May 18, 2020, 4:17 PM The Charlotte King Effect wrote:

    > charking1946 posted: “Mt.St Helens, 40th Anniversary.In just over a hour > and a half it will be 8:32 AM, this is the day that St Helens, the > beautiful mountain in SW WashingtonErupted in fury and took the lives of 27 > people. Including Harry Truman who lived in a cabin on Spirit” >


    • charking1946
      May 18, 2020 @ 6:45 pm

      Sue thank you. Please email or call me regarding your dream and CA.. I would like to talk about this. 503-999-5745 best time is after 7:30 my time or before 9 AM my time but I am available 24 x7 for questions and reporting events.


  2. Karen Jessup
    May 18, 2020 @ 3:17 pm

    Char you’ve got a typo in the first paragraph- you meant to say 57 people. Thanks for the update!



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