Yesterday Today and Tomorrow September 2-3rd , 2017
Sunday AM.. this update will have to be taken with a grain of salt and since several of the events that have happened before the email has been sent. But I assure you that my information was written BEFORE the events took place. Up to 5:20 AM today.
This is a personal email I sent to a few sensitive’s last night because I was feeling pretty bad. Especially with the earache which lasted all night and into Saturday and the stomach pains and R rib pains.
From: Charlotte [] Sent: Friday, September 01, 2017 11:48 PM To: ‘Charlotte ‘
Have had a nasty earache most of the day.. L side, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and or India/ Nicobar and Andaman Islands * Nepal * stomach pains moderate.
Sharp heart pains on and off all day, more for Mexico or S CA into Mexico, ” Imperial Valley ”
Back pains, full shoulder blade pains, Indonesia
L shoulder blade JAPAN
R shoulder blade KURILS
L eye pains of Chile
Had to run out and pick up a few things, cat food etc but the store I wanted to shop in was so busy they did not even have a shopping cart so I came home and will go out again early AM tomorrow before breakfast. Likely about 6-7 AM
Will be over 100 degrees on Saturday and I need to be home. After breakfast will be doing half shopping list for Mom in Law
Muggy now and about 76 degrees and 42% humidity I need to go and get something to eat, I have not eaten since Breakfast just not hungry. Had popcorn 2 times yesterday and Lecithin once today.Other than that, things status quo
Char <end > this is posted to show a couple of locations, Mexico and India among others and Italy all have been more active since last night.
This is the beginning of the update I began early evening about 10 PM but then fell asleep and was busy with other things and did not pick it up again till about 3:45 AM PDT and stopped about 5:15 AM…. Its now 5:41 PM and I am back working on the update. It 97 degrees outside with a humidity of 22 percent. I am trying not to move around too much. Its just too warm.
Since I began this update I have seen more activity in Italy, Mexico, Indonesia and PNG, to name a few. I had covered these in my update.
From: Charlotte [] Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2017 5:15 AM To: ‘Charlotte ‘ Subject:
If you no longer want to receive these updates, please reply and put UNSUB in the subject line and I will be happy to remove you from my list.
I have been trying to get an update out for over a week and each time I am beginning it seems that I am in the mist of a major solar or seismic flu event.
The last week solar activity has been causing solar flu every several days. This is for me, as bad or worse than some of the straight earthquake, volcanic eruption events. This being due to the fact that the symptoms hit so fast and so hard and if I do not take measures immediately, I can find myself in an ambulance as I have done in the past. Recently researching more information as to what are the positive affects of Lecithin. The gall bladder was one of the main things that Lecithin seems to effect in a good way. Not only does it help with gall bladder colic but it also has been known to actually dissolve gall stones. I am not saying that it’s a gall bladder attack that is brought on by the solar activity but I do know
That myself and others have undergone gall bladder tests. Mine were normal. Others also report no actual physical problems and some at their doctor’s insistence have had the gall bladder removed, and sadly they still experience the symptoms for solar flu. This week as I said in my opening paragraph, there has been quite a bit of solar activity. Some of it was not an issue but some of it caused very painful symptoms. Today at this point in time, I am being mildly affected but not totally relaxed into a state of no pain and no fear that it will hit like a hammer again at any moment. The last several days I have had some rib pains. Both sides mostly on the R side all last week and then again yesterday it was L sided again. Now this morning, once again the L side rib pains are picking up. This is AU, NZ, PNG and the Kermadec Islands. PNG has had several of the totally expected A/S of the quake of last week that came in at 6.4 near Lorengau, PNG on the 27th so the events of Friday were right on time for the 72 hr a/s and I feel that my ribs are signaling that more is to come.
Then Thursday the 31st we also had another event in Indonesia, this one is headache * which I had in spades * and full upper back, this symptom was present but I was not sure it was quake related since I had been doing quite a bit of lifting etc. The quake hit about 44 miles from Padang, Indonesia with a population of near 900,000 and came in at 6.4 as well. So this one should have the first a/s within the next 12-72 hrs from Thursday, so that would be by Monday AM. It could be anytime within that timeline. If its larger, then the previous one becomes a foreshock but if its smaller then its an a/s aftershock,. Indonesia which as I said causes headaches, they are mostly all back of head, especially if they are volcanic in origin, if not the quake/headache can involve the entire head, forehead etc. … so will have to wait on this one.
This last week I have had an significant amount of heart symptoms. The heart pains, are mostly L sided and deep and sharp like small needles. They do not last long, about 2-4 seconds but they are definitely felt.
This kind of heart symptoms/pains usually relate to 3 specific areas. S. CA into Mexico and Mexico proper. Washington State, Japan over 6.0 and when paired with earaches then watch Italy, Sicily, Crete and Greece as well as Palm Springs, Whittier, Pasadena and or Burbank, CA..
This time I feel that activity is more for the Imperial Valley or S. CA into MX and Mexico proper. This can include “ Mexicali, Calexico, Brawley, Westmoreland, El Centro, Borrego Springs, Ocotillo, and Gulf of CA as well as Baja CA MX. Heart symptoms with stomach pains are often connected to Borrego Springs. re There has been a lot of stomach pains again. Some of it went with Nepal /India symptoms which would be the L side earache. But for the most part its related the swarms at Mammoth Lakes CA. We had a major swarm a few weeks ago and finally eased off to less than 123 quakes for 7 days and now they are back up to nearly 300 and with the specific index or area, its nearer to 400 quakes for 7 days. The main symptoms are stomach pains, like a green apple bellyache. I have not checked since noon but the quakes are increasing again. This can effect several areas including “ Mammoth and Mono Lakes, Bridgeport, Bishop** Ridgecrest, Toms Place, Coso Junction and China Lakes . Bishop quakes seem to tie into and are a precursor for quakes in Coalinga, CA. Again they are drilling at the site for the new geothermal pumping station, at least that’s what I read.
Another location with lots of recent symptoms are the R and L leg respectively. First the R leg, including the ankle, calf, knee and hip, this would be Peru/Brazil/Columbia/ and Guatemala, and the L leg, ankle, calf and or knee and hip area would be Ecuador and Guatemala. There has been lots of symptoms for both as well as several quakes for both symptoms vs locations.
As I touched on a few paragraphs ago, I recall the R ribs being very painful. I know we at that time did not have all the locations but it was plain to see, even at that time, that The Domino Islands were the most active area, and we had quakes, granted not major ones but enough to cause symptoms, in many of the areas that make up The Dominos. This is from a few days ago
M 4.9 – SOLOMON ISLANDS – 2017-08-28 12:06:35 UTC
M 4.8 – VANUATU – 2017-08-28 20:26:03 UTC
M 4.5 – SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS – 2017-08-28 22:13:48 UTC
M 4.6 – SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS – 2017-08-28 15:58:20 UTC
M 4.3 – FIJI REGION – 2017-08-27 23:17:47 UTC
M 4.9 – ADMIRALTY ISLANDS REGION, P.N.G. – 2017-08-27 14:22:39 UTC
M 5.1 – ADMIRALTY ISLANDS REGION, P.N.G. – 2017-08-27 13:52:18 UTC
M 6.6 – ADMIRALTY ISLANDS REGION, P.N.G. – 2017-08-27 04:17:49 UTC * this is the event that started The Dominos falling this time around *
M 4.9 – SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS – 2017-08-26 21:24:36 UTC
M 4.3 – FIJI REGION – 2017-08-26 19:40:23 UTC
Then we had some recent activity for Oceania as well. That would be AU, New Zealand including Christchurch and N and S Islands and then Papua New Guinea which includes New Britain, New Ireland and Eastern New Guinea PNG and the Kermadec Islands.
This one is he R ribs and up till Wednesday they did not bother me too much. I am trying to watch the quake reports and see if I am able to location a connection between the Dominos and Oceania not counting the rib pains. But they are also be part of the Wasatch which is lower back. It can be tied into lower ribs., My heart has been acting up and I am also having more stomach pains, will take a break and finish it later today. 5:15 AM PDT <end >
Ran errands all morning and then fell asleep. Just woke about 2 hrs ago and had to get dinner started. Now I can get back to the update. 5:30 PM PDT
Just rec’d a text from one of my subscribers who keeps me informed of what is happening, thank you, and she reported a 5.3 along the Wasatch. This is what Cayce called “ the Idaho Batholith which is an area of all granite. The good thing about granite is that if you have concerns about the liquefaction. ” What is liquefaction caused by earthquakes?
Soil liquefaction describes a phenomenon whereby a saturated or partially saturated soil substantially loses strength and stiffness in response to an applied stress, usually earthquakeshaking or other sudden change in stress condition, causing it to behave like a liquid.” For the most part, Granite will not liquify under pressure unless its decomposed granite. It will vibrate like crazy but not liquify.
OK on with the update, just settled the cat in and closed down the patio for the night. Its now 8:22 PM
There has been more low back pains, both my husband and I had them but we both thought it could be due more to straining than seismic, I was lifting 14 # watermelons and 25# boxes of cat litter so there was a legitimate reason for the low back pains but when it started on the R ribs today when I was shopping I told the store manager I was watching areas like Tonga, Fiji, Samoa etc * Dominos * and China/India and some mild solar flu as well as low back pains but as I said I had been lifting but I did mention the Wasatch/New Madrid to him as well. My husband went to go lay down about 4:30 and was complaining of low back pains as well, this was I am sure the 5.3 in Idaho today. I have not looked up anything on line to this quake as yet but in the past these quakes tended to be near Challis ID but it appears this one was closer to Pocatello ID about 52 miles. One thing I should have paid attention to and totally spaced over it was the “ seismic flu “ associated with this event, tummy pains and cramping and intestinal flu symptoms. Thought it was something I ate.
So the symptoms were there, I was not paying as close attention as I should have been. I have no excuse but I was just trying to get out of the heat and wanted to get home and was assuming that the heat brought on the symptoms as that has happened in the past minus the low back pains.
Left eye is still bothering me tonight. This is and consistently has been Chile including Bolivia and Argentina and their borders. Reports of a suicide by one of my subscribers/sensitive’s. This person had been in WY and the area of the Wasatch, talked about non ending back pains. We have also had several reports of near misses of cars and train incidents. As far as I know, no fatalities.
I know the heat affects people’s moods but when I was shopping today in 3 stores it was the same in all of them, people were really in a foul mood.
Also cars were almost daring you to turn when they were coming, not even slowing down all can be Chile related. It reminds me of the old movie game of “ Chicken “ … also I noticed in two of the stores I was shopping in that many of the carts had popcorn in them or corn chips. Its interesting to just watch and see who picks it up and who doesn’t. Seems like the one who did are mostly over 40 years old. * a guess * although I heard several kids asking mom to “ don’t forget the popcorn “
At this time I still am getting some L earache China/India? and L shoulder blade pains Japan? L rib pains for Oceania and more a/s for the Lorengau, PNG area. * I saw since I started the update last night before midnight that the
There was indeed an a/s for this area which I had noted in the update to expect.
Still picking up stomach pains and some low back pains, it looks like there has been a small swarm of quakes since the 5.3 main shock, at least I hope it was the main shock. Seismic flu picking up again, this would be more of the 4.0+ a/s as a possibility. Not too far from Wyoming but not near Yellowstone. This is due to the fault in this area about 167 miles from the volcano.
Just rec’d report of a large 6.3 quake in N. Korea. I am sure it’s a bomb test. Yes it now says explosion. That’s a large test. Interestingly I am experiencing what I have in the earlier US Nev. Nuclear Tests in the 80’s I get lots of tingling after the event, due to cave ins and or underground landslides.
Again, I think of Chile, not the event, but the timing of the event. Just like the young man who killed himself. He was in the area of the Wasatch/New Madrid before his death and was experiencing lots of pain. Was this due to the quake or quakes in ID? What about other events in KS and OK? Low back, seismic flu.
R ribs, this once again is The Domino Islands. Earache now starting on the R side, this would be Taiwan, Leeward, Windward, Trinidad and Virgin Islands. L earache contiues to cause deep pains. So still watching the areas of China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India/Nepal.
Have had some dental pains today, this would be possible change in activity at Santa Barbara Channel..
The quakes have picked up again in the Sierras and I am watching that area again. Fortunately at least for me, that the quakes in that area are confined to just stomach pains, so do not have to contend with the migraines back of head pains that most stratovolcanos cause.
Before I move on from the quakes in Idaho, I also Texas is also being hit with small quakes over night. I know from past experience and listening to reports over the years of areas being affected after floods and or wet winters, with the huge amounts of water that affected Texas and still are with the weight of the water etc its almost a given they would experience quake activity. The weight of the water will displace areas of faults etc. So with approximately 15+ trillion gallons of water falling in Texas, its bound to cause some problems. To give you an idea of how much that is, the entire United States uses approximately 3.9 trillion gallons of water per month. To put this into perspective, a gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. So we are looking at a tremendous amount of weight. Fortunately at this time, these two quakes are NOT part of the water weight scenario above since these quakes occurred near Pecos TX. With magnitudes 3.1 and 3.4
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