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  1. beth
    July 8, 2016 @ 2:50 am

    Have a dear friend who lives in Landers, CA she reports that the military conducts regular bombing “practice” in that area such that her house shakes and windows rattle, plumbing comes apart as a result of the enormous concussion. Drives her bug nutty. When I see a lot of micro quakes there, I always check to see if they’re bombing there. And they are. For what it’s worth. Thanks for what you report, very valuable information!


    • charking1946
      July 8, 2016 @ 7:48 am

      Beth I have a friend in Joshua Tree and she is often on the phone with me and says they are bombing and some are really big blasts. She has small dogs and it really affects the dogs. I don’t think I could be in that kind of an environment between the noise and the repercussions it would be just too much, not counting the earthquakes.


      • Beth
        July 9, 2016 @ 7:25 pm

        Charlotte, I was wondering as you are well documented sensitive to the earth movement perhaps you experience symptoms while this occurs. Which may make sense of certain symptoms? Thank you again for all your good work.


        • charking1946
          July 9, 2016 @ 7:30 pm

          Beth if I do I am not aware of it, but if I were living in Landers or Joshua Tree etc I think that would change. Headache and ear popping would be the normal effects, similar to what I experienced with the 4th of July fire works.


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