Todays Symptoms Sounds and Observations December 7, 2016
Well the symptoms continue. We have had 2 quakes offshore N CA since the 5th and both were expected. I had mentioned Turkey in my last update and there has been 19 quakes in turkey since the update.
Indonesia which is the full upper back pains and back of head L side experienced a 6.5 near Aceh Indonesia and surrounding Islands. In checking my notes its obvious this quake was a A/S of the 9.1 of 2004 in Banda Aceh. This quake was 57 miles from the epicenter of the major quake. This was not a surprise based on the timelines and we can have more of the same throughout the 15 of January 2017. M 6.5 – NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA – 2016-12-06 22:03:33 UTC * 92 km E of Banda Aceh, Indonesia *
There has been numerous quakes in Tobago Trinidad Islands. This is part of the R earache I was speaking about yesterday and in the previous update. This is Taiwan, Leeward, Windward, Trinidad and Virgin Islands. M 6.0 – TRINIDAD REGION, TRINIDAD-TOBAGO – 2016-12-06 21:42:22 UTC
Large water events can also cause the same earaches in either one or both ears as above or sometimes offshore events will do that as well as volcanic activity.
Pressure building near sternum so wondering about solar activity picking up?
L ribs really sore but the R ones have been in spasm this morning. This is the ” Domino Islands which includes Fiji Islands which had a quake 2+ hours ago M 5.0 – FIJI REGION – 2016-12-07 09:18:57 UTC
Had ” frogs ” in the L ribs while I was out yesterday. So watching for another larger event in the area of Oceania.
The swollen forehead I reported in my last update, has shown once again to tie into St Helens activity. There was definitely a increase in background activity Tuesday. More steam emissions and small quakes.. there has been a increase of 15 quakes in the last 30 days compared to previous reports.
Stomach pains picking up again. This is Sierras of CA, Landers Quake Zone and or part of the Cascades volcanic chains and or Nepal. My best guess is Nepal and The Sierras.
Had some sharp heart pains yesterday with earaches and see that yes in fact Italy did have more quakes today and quakes over 6.0 in Japan * no report for this area * also will cause the same symptoms. WA state does as well as S CA into MX and MX proper.
Charlotte King Salem OR December 7,2016, 4:04 AM PST