Yesterday Today and Tomorrow December 28, 2020

This is not my normal earthquake update. Word Press has changed the way  you create a post and in my opinion it is as not user friendly. All that aside I am attempting to post once again.  After the new year  hopefully I will be able to navigate the new system and begin to post my earthquake updates again.

This is just a message to say Thank You for your support, Friendship and Caring this last year.   I know I was supposed to add a new page on the blog every two weeks.  That was my intention in October. In the words of John Lennon ” Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans”  I have to say I did not make the plans I was hit with in November.   I adopted 3 wonderful 8 week old kittens on October 21. Wow! I have never seen such energy.  I had to baby proof the house like I did when the kids were toddlers. Only worse because they move faster.  Drop  something on the floor, edible or not and the 5 second rule does not apply, so I have had to open many small mouths. and retrieve many things some of which I can’t identify.  My senior cat Sabrina is not happy. She has been the queen of the manor for almost 12 years.  So far no blood has been drawn.

Two weeks after I picked up the kittens from the Humane Society, I began to feel bad.
I thought it might be a cold or even the flu.  I am so careful.  I double mask, wear gloves,  2 pair for each outing, I use hand sanitizer and social distance.  But nothing is 100 %

It began with a headache, and chills, then a low grade fever and just blaaa feeling lasted for about 2 weeks. I was not feeling well enough to drive to get a Covid 19 Test.  I was told it would likely not show up after 14 days anyway.   So I waited, and then my husband got sick.  So we were both sick.  He is also at home but on oxygen assist.
I finally was able to go to the doctor’s office, I had a Antibody test.  It came back
POSITIVE for Covid 19.. the antibody level was high, the doctor said he had not seen a level of antibodies so high. So my body, was/is fighting the virus really hard.  Still tire easily, and an occasional fever but told I am no longer contagious but to still maintain the suggested use of mask, social distancing, washing hands etc. I hope reseach is right and I am not contagious with symptoms. Hopefully I will not have long term effects, since it will be 60 days on January 2nd.  I think I am ok.  That I am sure would not have been possible but for prayers and healing sent on my behalf from all over the US, NZ, Japan, Chile, Philippines, Hawaii and Mexico.  So thank  you.

When my family asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told them I already had my present a real life Christmas Miracle.. 

my husband and I both survived Covid and hopefully this coming year will continue to bring health and happiness to my family and yours.  So have a very Happy New Year, may it be prosperous and full of Joy and Peace and better times for all of us.


Charlotte King

PS many quakes and the Chile Connection is in full forward mode. New updates will hopefully begin after January 1st of 2021.

Charlotte King   12/28/20 ©

My new fur babies….. born on my birthday August 19, 2020


Baby, Merlin and Boots L to R