Do you want to help with this project?

This is my vision, a DVD made available at a reasonable rate to explain the symptoms and locations and observations that make up ” The Charlotte King Effect ”

Its been 20 years this year of doing electronic email updates. Except for a very short period of time I have never charged for my updates.  I just did not feel comfortable doing so. It was more important to me to get the information out than to get compensation for doing what I would continue to experience anyway.

So now, I am still not charging for the email updates.  But I am going to share a vision I am holding in my mind but I need your help to bring it to fruition.

I have had a hard copy,  pamphlet available in various forms since the first one in 1982 that was 2 pages.  It has grown to 17 pages both sides but in this day people want digital or electronic , and the paper is bulky and not cost effective to duplicate so with that thought in mind.  I have decided to have a professional DVD made.  Going with the top company in the Salem Oregon area, there are several with consistent 5 star ratings.  So I have checked and creating the video from start to finish, including packaging the total is about $4000.00 all inclusive.

So I am asking if you would like to help make this vision a reality?  I have already had pledges  donated  in the amount of $1500.00 So I only have $2500.00 more to reach my goal.  Anyone who donates $25.00 USD or more will receive a DVD when they are done.

If you have any questions  I am available by email, phone or text 24 hrs. a day.

Should you choose to donate to help bring this vision to fruition to you can send a check, or money order USD or you can use my Pay Pal Account using my email  “ ”  or write to  Charlotte King  4791 WB Post Drive NE, Salem, OR 97305

503-999-5745 * cell phone 24 hrs. voice and text *  If things go well I would like to have this video available by Christmas or whenever the cost of the project has been met.

Who is Charlotte King

I am a the Pioneer of Biological Earthquake Prediction learning to translate the symptoms I experience with the geographical locations that they connect to. Sharing my information and symptoms with others as this is not just me, this is thousands, perhaps tens or even hundreds of thousands around the world are also experiencing the symptoms and by learning the symptoms that I have put together these last 40 years I am able to teach others to be able to identify their body symptoms and what they mean.

I am best remembered for my prediction of the major eruption of Washington’s Mt. St. Helens.  I called our local ABC Network TV Station KATU the night before the eruption and told them that the mountain would erupt within 12 hrs.  It was 12 hrs. and 12 minutes before the major eruption of May 18, 1980.  I was 12 minutes off.

Over the years I have continued to make predictions for major quakes.  My track record speaks for itself.  In recent years I found that I am also able to pick up the solar flares before they happen. With so many larger quakes, solar flares and volcanic events around the world and so many more people being affected by these events, its time that I make a informational/ instructional form of media to help others to identify symptoms and  .   Of all the many persons who are sensitive, as far as I know I am the only one who has been tested extensively by the US Government, Medical and Scientific communities.  I have been written up in news papers and magazine articles in over 300 articles.  I have appeared in nearly 3 dozen or more television and radio programs.

When this all began I was 36 years old, now I just turned 71 and obviously I can’t live forever so another reason I want to get this DVD done is so those who follow will have access to information that will help them understand what is happening to them and what it means.   When my journey began I was totally and completely alone. It was a terrifying experience till I put it together, hopefully a electronic record will keep others who are or will be affected with ” The Charlotte King Effect ” get through it much easier than I did.

So that is a bit about who is Charlotte King.  My basic story is here on my blog.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.   Donating or not, please feel free to sign up for my free email updates.

This is two links to media interviews I was part of.. the first one was in 1980 just before St Helens major eruption.  This one is with Leonard Nimoy, with the program
In Search Of  ( In Search of Violent Volcanoes Part 2 )

“In Search Of”  Dangerous Volcanoes #2″   With Leonard Nimoy

The 2nd one was the night of the 8.8 Bio Bio Chile quake on February 27th 2010 posted on Youtube by KATU Channel 2 Portland OR.

“KATU ABC Channel 2”  Portland Oregon with Steve Dunn :  The Chile 2010 8.8 Prediction.     

Thank You,

Charlotte King,  Salem, OR.   October 9, 2017

Cropped Charlotte 2010 TBA