It’s February 7th about 5 days since my last update

I am only able to work on this for a couple of hours at a time, started this

10 AM today

I have not checked the quake list since this morning but I do get notified
before any quakes that report as being felt.. or cause property damage or
injuries etc. So hopefully the lists will bear out my feelings.
I am doing OK, don’t look near as bad as I did the day I sent my previous update with a photo. Now I look like someone used a black felt marker and traced around my eye and down my cheek and the color of most of my face on the L side is  about the inside of a avocado.  Still have headaches but I am happy to report I am on the mend.  Thank you for all the wonderful emails and help received.  Your help is so appreciated

Since the last update there has been a great deal of activity in one of the
areas I was talking about and that is Taiwan.  There has been dozens of
quakes in the 3-4’s and an occasional 5 but when my R ear cut loose the one that followed was a 6.4 which injured over 300 persons and took the life of at least 7, there were many quakes to follow as a/s will do the strongest was a 5.8 then again today numerous quakes in Taiwan, many of them but not all were felt, then today about 3 hrs. ago another 5.2 which I again picked up. * keep an eye on Taiwan *

Persons had reported symptoms similar to Solar Flu but I was not getting
these symptoms so checked with a contact in the Space Weather center and it was concerned that there was nothing in the foreseeable future that would cause the solar flu.  There has been a sunspot reported the first in many weeks but at this time its only capable of giving off B and perhaps a C flare. Obviously as you know there can be a surprise flare at any time but
based on current data this is at this time, unlikely.

There has also been L earaches, and there has been some activity in the
areas that have been tied to the symptoms for this area.

That would be China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India, which includes the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands as well on occasion NEPAL.
With Nepal you also get stomach pain from moderate to intense.
There has been several quakes in Afghanistan and near China in the last few days.
I have been watching CHILE as you know, Chile can be Chile, Bolivia and or Argentina.  The symptoms are all L sided pain in the L eye, when its
blinked, headache all L side, L side neuralgia and  a sense of
disorientation. Obviously with this one, at this time, its difficult to tell
seismic symptoms from the side effects of my fall.  But Chile is also an
emotional location.   So although I can’t be sure about my physical symptoms for Chile, the emotional aspects are classic for that area.. they are as I have coined ” The Chile Connection ”  Anger, Road Rage, Spur Of The Moment Events. Over Reaction To Events, Shootings, Murders, Suicides, Domestic Violence and the ” timing” of Terrorist Attacks.   Along with Chile you may also have Bolivia and or Argentina.

Such as the news today
2 persons found dead in Salem home.. shootings, and murders all happened in the last 24-72 hrs. FL officer shot and killed, suspect killed what caused this spree of murders and going the wrong way on the freeway hitting several cars before being killed by police.  ( Often persons who act out with Chile is found to be bi polar or manic depressive.  Subscribers and others have confirmed persons that are known to them to be Bi-Polar or Manic Depressive have needed a change in their medication during this time.

Lots of low back pains again this could be in part due to my fall, but I believe this one is real and would mostly include the Wasatch and New Madrid Fault Systems.  Areas such as ID, MT, UT, WY and TX, CO, AZ and NW or parts of them. Then the New Madrid which I am watching TN, AR, AL, NY, VA, and IL as well as MO..   The larger events may cause ” seismic flu ” which is the instantaneous onset of stomach or intestinal flu symptoms that come and go with no fever… With the Flu incidence as high as it is in Oregon, be sure you are not experiencing, actual illness symptoms which could require you to
seek medical attention.

I have had several days of leg pains, mostly its R leg but I also had L leg
on Tuesday … R leg is Peru/Brazil/Columbia, Guatemala and maybe Honduras, and then the L leg is Ecuador and Guatemala and again Honduras.. the pain can hit anywhere from the hip to the thigh, to the knee and the ankle.. I often get a Charlie horse in my R leg before larger events, so that is another area to watch.

Achy heart has hit on and off the last 24 hrs.. in the past this has been
mostly related to offshore events, both N CA And S OR coasts.
The yawning that I and others have experienced usually goes with Eureka to the Bay and SF Bay proper and Offshore Oregon, offshore Bandon, Gold Beach and or Coos Bay..  this is also temple to temple headache as well as the achy heart symptoms. This can also go with some volcanic activity and
Coalinga which includes some mild to moderate stomach pains.

Speaking of Coalinga, that would be in Central CA which ties into the CA/NV Sierras by way of Bishop CA.. earaches, achy heart, headache and ears may also pop and feel like you are climbing into a higher elevation, that is what happens between Coalinga. Bakersfield, Fresno, Grapevine and Castaic * also Parkfield and Avenal *

There has been quite a few quakes in Turkey and connected locations.  Turkey is chest pain/pressure, intense headaches and elbow pains.  Then we have areas that often show up before Turkey including Crete and Greece and Dodecanese Islands both Turkey and Greece and Aegean, Caspian and Ionian Seas. One follows the others.
Quakes in the Molucca Seas are often connected to quakes in the Flores and Banda Seas.. again one follows the others.

L rib pains, Oceania and R rib pains Domino Islands areas.. these are a
group of islands I renamed ” the Domino Islands ” as one has a quake over
6.0 and then the other islands also follow * fall * like dominos.
This would be Oceania * that is AU, PNG, this is Eastern New Guinea, New
Ireland and New Britain PNG,  NZ including N and S Island and Christchurch as well as the Kermadec Islands *

The Dominos are more, they are Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Marianas, Solomon, Santa Cruz, Admiralty, Marshal, Caroline and Vanuatu Islands.

There are two areas that cause sharp earaches and needle like sharp heart
pains.  One area is Palm Springs, Whittier, Pasadena and Burbank CA, and the other, far away is Italy, Sicily, Greece and Crete.. both have similar
almost identical symptoms.  The only difference I have noted is that with
Italy, Sicily etc is that it is often some back of head pains due to most of
the quakes being volcanic in origin where the ones in Palm Springs etc are
frontal headaches as most of S CA quakes cause. No volcanism.

Mexico or Southern CA into Mexico are both sharp needle pains, and all over headache this usually will go all the way into Mexico proper. The areas are Mexicali, Calexico, Brawley, Westmoreland, Borrego Springs * Stomach pains with this one * and Ocotillo, as well as Gulf of CA and Baja CA MX….

N sound is still the strongest but I also have had some deep water tones..
and the short/long of S CA into MX..  AK, and Japan, Aleutians and N Canada,  N Washington.. Russia.

My main symptoms are headache/R earaches, L earaches and leg pains and occasional sharp heart pains and L rib/Shoulder blade pains.

Had popcorn before lunch today and then had a full dinner tonight and within a hour I am eating cookies and chocolates from Christmas and then it was a plate of corn chips so the Carbs and Sugar cravings are in full swing.

I have taken Meclizine for the last 2 days and today, not really dizzy just
disorientated … that feeling is everything is ok as long as you don’t move
too quickly.. eyes are not tracking well.

CA Only…

Total Quakes   1069        in 7 days

San Francisco/ The Geysers   149

Long Valley, Mammoth Lakes CA 120

Los Angeles, Southern CA 36

Total 285     S CA… this area includes,  Agaunga, Ocotillo Wells,
Coachella, Idyllwild, Julian and Anza, Borrego Springs, Hemet and Palomar
Observatory among others.

The timeline for a major quake passed and I am happy to say without a major quake.

Although I have not officially set a new timeline for another major quake,
but we have had more than 1 precursor for yet another major event. Major
Earthquake Clouds the last two days, often there are small plane crashes,
generally with the engine losing power, just after taking off or just prior
to landing…

Was on Cordon Road yesterday and today and both days I saw stalled cars off the highway.   Both along the area of the suspected fault.
One newer Red Full Size SUV and a bit older model sedan, was not sure about the model but I think the make was either a Chevy or a Dodge.. about a football field further down the road heading S.

Numerous persons have reported ant movement to me before the Taiwan quake. For me, my ants which have been hanging out on the kitchen counters have moved ever so slightly.  I have been checking them daily sometimes numerous times a day and they are just hanging out in small groups all over the counters.  Its like they are waiting … just waiting for 3 days  I have checked them and even thumped the counters to be sure they are alive and they will move.  Yes on both counts.

Sabrina is not sick but thought she might get sick just before noon today.

So about 7:30 PM tonight, I noticed they were in a different position.  So
then I checked at 9ish and the ants were almost gone.
A check at 11 PM showed again they were mostly gone a few stragglers but
more gone than in recent days.

So if they would not leave before the 6.4 of Taiwan, what are they picking
up on now?  Is it a larger quake, or a volcanic eruption or even a solar
event?  Any or all of the above have caused them to scatter/exodus in the

Slight sadness picking up the last 2 hrs.. 12+?

Some asked if I had sadness before the Taiwan quake and honestly only very very slightly.. why, because ” 9 ” was the number who lost their lives, it has to be at least 12… not that 7 or 9 is insignificant, its not, but I have a
threshold and this was below my criteria to ‘ react ‘ to the precursors.

So I will end this and will update again as necessary…

Charlotte King
Salem, OR
February 7, 2018
11:45 PM PST

BLOG.  The address is  you can go there and
read a synopsis of the days’ seismic activity and there is a page of Links,
and precursors as well as one with a short length feature of my life, and
one page to thank specific people for the special help they have given me.

If you are sensitive, keep your Lecithin and TUMS and Peppermint Tea and Soda Crackers Handy.. as I found out in the previous solar storms this last week, the SOLAR FLU attacks can and do hit instantly without warning.  The key is to take your supplements as soon as any symptoms appear. ” REMEMBER I

For anyone who is sensitive to the solar flares as I am,  this is what I
recommend, not as a doctor but as a biological sensitive.  Lecithin and
TUMS, Peppermint Tea, and soda crackers   it has worked for many people who react to these events. If you have specific medical issues check with you health care professional to see if its ok.

If you are in KS and or TN, AR, AL, and or MO , the New Madrid System I
would be very watchful for more quakes, be sure you have your Quake
Emergency Supplies in a close to you location, this includes medical
supplies, personal supplies, change of clothes, pet supplies if applicable
and a out of state phone number.   Water and food for at least 3-7 days and
batteries for light. Also know  how to shut off your gas lines, get a key at
any hardware store.

Feel Free to Call my cell phone if and or when something shows up
something, or ask a question.

I do limited texting.

<tel:503-999-5745>  <tel:503-999-5745> 503-999-5745 if I do not answer, please leave a message and I will call you back as soon as possible
I am   not able to return calls to Canada   But I can call the  other
countries ie,  Alaska , Hawaii and US Virgin Islands and other US
I am happy to take calls from 6 AM till 1 AM or anytime if you are reporting
a quake or major symptoms, observations.

Terms and Conditions: These As a subscriber you agree.. Not to make
predictions in my name without my express permission. Any actions taken by you the reader/subscriber due to my information I have posted, or sent out, is your sole responsibility for those actions and remember if you are
experiencing any of the symptoms in severe form or for a prolonged time, get checked out medically. You may be sensitive, but you may also have a life threatening event happening. Remember the life you save, may be your own. Also remember I am not a medical doctor and I am only sharing what has worked for me and many others in the past.

Donations gratefully accepted..  I was asked by several subscribers to
include my address here.  4791 WB Post Drive NE, Salem , OR 97305. I now have a Paypal Account in response to requests from several subscribers and friends. My account is my email address…

My emails are sent out free of charge to share with friends and family.
Please do not repost them in whole or part to any other lists, social or
electronic media without my written permission.  Please ask your friends not to as well.